Sunday, February 7, 2010

I finally decided to start blogging...

I have been thinking about blogging and posting photos of the bento boxes I have been making since my daughter started kindergarten...
I hesitated, thought it over, reflected a bit more... One more thing to do on this sea of chores: motherhood, full time work, family, taking care of the house, etc... But, I decided to give it a try.
I love reading blogs of others so why not share all the fun I have been having making the "obentos" every morning for my princess? So, here is a sample of some bento boxes I have made since the beginning of the year.... I hope you will enjoy them!


  1. Kat is so lucky to have obento everyday! Yummy! Do you deliver in Paris ??? :) Me lembro dos lanches da mamae quando iamos à escola!

  2. Oi, Cris, pois eh, inspiracao eh o que nao falta lembrando as lancheiras que a mamae fazia para a gente... Lili tambem perguntou do servico delivery... Eh Paris, eh Sao by private jet (we can borrow the pink jet from Lili...)

  3. Opa, tô dentro! Vamos começar um negócio... pink jet para entrega das lancheiras fofas da Aki!

  4. I love your blog! I aspire to be a bento-making mom someday...

  5. Dear Hiraganamama:
    Thank you for your kind comment! I have been making obentos everyday but need to find some more time to update my blog!
    I have bookmarked your blog on my reading list at my laptop at home... Looking forward to your interesting posts! Ogenkidene!
