Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The cutest gadgets from the Japanese dollar store - Daiso

It is amazing how Japanese people put so much thought into these little gadgets that are specific for bento making. It is a variety of cute animal skewers, little containers for sauces, plastic separators so one food doesn't touch the other, etc... I remember my mom using leaves of Bibb lettuce or mulberry leaves picked fresh that same morning from our backyard to separate the different items she would pack in the obento for my sister and I every morning.
There is a Japanese dollar store chain that opened a few stores all over California called Daiso. They have all kinds of "kawaii" things,  everything cute you can imagine is there... Stationery, houseware, clothes, bags, crafts, etc...  They have a special section just for obento where I could spend hours... Next time I go there, I will try to take a photo of the section for a post...
For now, I am posting some of the recent obentos I have made using these little trinkets...

Aren't these disposable forks cute?

Veggie shape picks for fruits and tomatoes. I also love these cupcake liners printed with images of asparagus and shredded red cabbage.

This is my latest find from last weekend at Daiso: monkey face shaped sauce containers. You twist the banana handle to open and use the spoon to spread the sauce, in this case mayonnaise.


  1. Wow! Tenho que te mandar uns que comprei no Japao, tipo para fazer ovo cozido em umas formas de animal... O problem é que tem que por o ovo quente (descascar o ovo quente nao é facil!) dentro da forma e fechar.... :)

  2. Vi estes ovos numa revista japonesa e fiquei imaginando como eh q se faz... quer dizer q coloca o ovo ainda quente na forminha?

  3. Eh, tem que descascar o ovo enquanto esta quente, e por na forma, apertar para entrar, e fechar a tampa. Ai sai em forma de carrinho por exemplo. Mas qdo se descasca o ovo quente é dificil, e ele nao sai tao lisinho... Ai, o carrinho fica com defeito!
